10 Historic Things To Do In Athens

The western world owes a lot to the Ancient Greeks. From philosophy and architecture to athletics and performing arts, remnants of this ancient civilization have shaped the world as we know it. Today, modern Greece’s capital city of Athens is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities and still bears many scars of its historically influential past.


Greece is a country worthy of exploration, but Athens itself is so jam-packed with attractions that you could easily spend a week exploring its bustling streets and still not have seen everything the city has to offer. These 10 historic things to do in Athens are absolute essential attractions for any itinerary to this monumental city.

The Acropolis in Athens

1. The Acropolis and Its Museum

The Acropolis is one of the most important historical sites in the world and one of the most popular things to do in Athens, Greece. The initial construction of the modern Acropolis began around 500 BCE, and many of the original buildings commissioned by Pericles are still present on the hill today. In addition, the Acropolis is jam-packed with archaeological facilities that include the ruins of:


  • The Parthenon
  • The Propylaia
  • The Erechtheion
  • The Temple of Athena Nike
  • The Old Temple
  • The Pandrosion
  • The Arrephorion
  • The Chalkotheke
  • The Brauroneion
  • The Sanctuary of Zeus Polyus
  • The Pandion Sanctuary

Acropolis Archeological Museum

The sites of the Acropolis are the top tourist attractions in Athens, but the actual value of their historical significance can only be found at the site’s nearby museum. All of the significant artifacts found over the near two centuries of archaeological activity within the region are located within the walls of the Acropolis Archaeological Museum. The Acropolis and its associated museum are the most important of Athens’ sites for exploring the city’s history.

As one of the top things to do in athens, the National Archaeological Museum hosts exhibits from all over the country.
The National Archaeological Museum features artifacts uncovered all over Greece.

2. National Archaeological Museum

From prehistoric tools to art of antiquity, the National Archaeological Museum houses all of Ancient Greece’s greatest treasures from archaeological sites across the country. The highlights of the museum include:


  • The Mask of Agamemnon
  • The Theseus Ring
  • The Marathon Boy
  • Nestor’s Cup
  • And much more
Walking the dirt paths of the Ancient Agora is a top thing to do in Athens

3. Athenian Agora

Serving as a commercial hot spot for over 2500 years, the Athenian Agora has hosted many influential figures and moments throughout antiquity. Its history spans the reigns of the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires. Nevertheless, what sets the Athenian Agora apart as one of the best things to do in Athens is the Hephaestion, the most well-preserved temple in the entire country. Some of the other ancient sites found within the Athenian Agora include:


  • the Monument of the Eponymous Heroes
  • the Altar of the Twelve Gods
  • The Temple of Aphrodite Urania
  • The Stola of Attalos
  • 121,000 m2 of ruins and monuments
The Gates of Athena mark the entrance to one of the top things to do in Athens

4. Ancient Roman Agora

Built during the reign of the Roman Republic, this Agora is a well-preserved example of a 1st-century market. Despite being smaller and less significant than the Athenian Agora, this tourist attraction earns its presence on this list of the best things to do in Athens, Greece, thanks to two very important structures; The Gate of Athena and The Tower of Winds. The Tower of Winds, in particular, is a must-see tourist attraction in Athens. As the world’s first meteorological centre, the building features a sundial, water clock, and wind vain.

5. Panathenaic Olympic Stadium

Initially built by Athenian Roman senator Herodes Atticus in 144 AD, the Panathenaic Olympic Stadium was excavated and refurbished in 1869. And in 1896, it became the first stadium to host the modern Olympic Games, which it again hosted over a century later in 2004. While the historical and contemporary significance is impressive, the stadium’s architecture is what sets it apart as one of the best tourist attractions in Athens. Reconstructed as almost an exact replica of the original design, the stadium is the only one in the world to be 100% marble.

6. Mount Lycabettus

The Acropolis may be Athens’ most famous hill, but Mount Lycabettus is its tallest, rising over 300 metres. the peak of Mount Lycabettus features a theatre, the Chapel of St. Georges, and breathtaking views of the Athenian cityscape. From this vantage point, visitors to the Lycabettus can spot the Acropolis, the Piraeus coast, and many of the other top tourist attractions featured on this list.

7. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Perhaps one of the most peculiar things to do in Athens is witnessing the changing of the guard’s ceremony that occurs at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Constructed under the Old Royal Palace of Syntagma Square, the tomb serves as a memorial for all Greek soldiers killed in war. The monument’s famous changing of the guard ceremony occurs every hour and features traditionally dressed elite infantry officers marching around the square as they honour the fallen.

Greek religion's Sacred Way in Karameikos

8. Kerameikos

While not as popular as other archaeological sites in Athens, Kerameikos is just as enjoyable. As the pottery corner of the ancient city, Kerameikos features elaborate funerary sculptors lining the old road known as the Ancient Way. In fact, this celebratory highway of antiquity truly defines Kerameikos as one of the top things to see in Athens. Spanning the distance from Athens to the Sanctuary of Demeter at Eleusis, the Sacred way begins and ends in the cemetery of Kerameikos.

Temple of Zeus in Athens

9. The Temple of Olympian Zeus

There isn’t much to see at the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Yet it remains one of the top things to do in Athens, thanks to the sheer enormity of the structure. Construction of this ancient marvel began in the 6th century BC and ended in the 2nd century AD. However, despite taking over 600 years to complete, the temple only stood for about a century before it was sacked during a barbarian invasion in 267 AD. Today, only a handful of columns of this colossal temple’s original 104 column structure remain. Nevertheless, the result is a breathtaking appreciation of the ancient world’s innovative architecture.

10. Shopping in Plaka

While most of Athens’ popular attractions are geared towards its historical prevalence, the shopping centre of Plaka is unique. Settled during the 19th century, the Plaka neighbourhood is a quaint city corner. The area’s narrow roads are littered with traditional family-run shops of handmade ceramics, instruments, and jewellery. Exploring this local community is perhaps one of the most fun things to do in Athens as you sample the city’s traditional cultures and cuisine.


For more helpful tips and fun things to do in Athens, check out This Is Athens, the city’s official tourism website.